Privacy Policy

WNESS Privacy Policy

Privatlivspolitik nyhedsbreve

1. Introduktion

WNESS behandler persondata om dig, og derfor får du nedenstående oplysninger (Beskyttelse af personlige oplysninger).

2. Dataansvarlig

WNESS, CVR-nr. 39392542, er den dataansvarlige. Det betyder, at vi er ansvarlige for dine personoplysninger.

Formål med og grundlag for indsamling af personoplysninger

Vi vil sikre, at dine personoplysninger alene indsamles og behandles i overensstemmelse med et eller flere af følgende formål:

• At levere nyhedsbreve som du har tilmeldt

• At besvare eventuelle spørgsmål eller indsigelser du måtte have

• For at du kan modtage invitationer og informationer om events

Vores grundlag for behandling af dine personoplysninger er:

• Dit samtykke i henhold til databeskyttelsesforordningens artikel 6, stk. 1, litra a

• Interesseafvejningsreglen i henhold til databeskyttelsesforordningens artikel 6, stk. 1, litra f. Behandlingen af dine personoplysninger med henblik på profilering er nødvendig for, at WNESS kan forfølge en legitim interesse i form af målrettede henvendelser og en forbedret brugeroplevelse

• Hvis grundlaget for behandling af dine personoplysninger er samtykke, så har du til enhver tid ret til at tilbagekalde dit samtykke.

• Vi opbevarer dine personoplysninger, indtil samtykket tilbagekaldes, hvorefter du ikke længere vil modtage nyhedsbreve fra os.

3. Dine rettigheder

• Du kan til enhver tid få indsigt i dine personoplysninger, anmode os om at få urigtige personoplysninger berigtiget og få slettet eller ændret ved at rette henvendelse til os. Du kan også anmode os om, at behandlingen begrænses, dataportabilitet eller gøre indsigelser mod vores behandling af dine personoplysninger.

• Såfremt du ønsker at klage over vores behandling af dine personoplysninger, kan du rette henvendelse til Datatilsynet.

• Du har til enhver tid ret til at gøre indsigelse mod behandling af dine personoplysninger med direkte markedsføring som formål.

4. Overførsel, overladelse og videregivelse af personoplysninger til tredjeparter

• Kun betroede medarbejdere, repræsentanter og leverandører med et arbejdsbetinget behov har, i overensstemmelse med gældende databeskyttelseslovgivning, adgang til dine personoplysninger i det omfang, det er nødvendigt for at kunne levere en ydelse til os eller handle på vegne af os.

• Vi forbeholder os ret til at anvende eller videregive oplysninger i det omfang, det er nødvendigt for at overholde gældende lovgivning, foretage undersøgelser i forbindelser med klager, besvare dine anmodninger eller i efterforskningsøjemed.

5. Overførsel til modtagere i tredjelande, herunder internationale organisationer

• Vi vil overføre dine personoplysninger til modtager uden for EU og EØS. Det drejer sig om Mailchimp, som er beliggende i USA. De fornødne garantier for overførsel af oplysninger til USA er sikret gennem databehandlerens certificering under EU-US Privacy Shield, jf. EU-persondataforordningens art. 45. I det omfang vi bruger andre databehandlere end de nævnte, der er etableret uden for EU, vil det altid ske under iagttagelse af gyldige overførselsgarantier .

Hvis spørgsmål til ovenstående kontakt Siska Jørgensen,

Privatlivspolitik hjemmeside

This Privacy Policy describes how your personal information is collected, used, and shared when you visit or subscribe to

1. Personal information we collect 
When you visit the site, we automatically collect certain information about your device, including information about your web browser, IP address, time zone, and some of the cookies that are installed on your device. Additionally, as you browse the Site, we collect information about the individual web pages or products that you view, what websites or search terms referred you to the Site, and information about how you interact with the Site. We refer to this automatically-collected information as “Device Information.”

We collect Device Information using the following technologies:

- “Cookies” are data files that are placed on your device or computer and often include an anonymous unique identifier. For more information about cookies, and how to disable cookies, visit
- “Log files” track actions occurring on the Site, and collect data including your IP address, browser type, Internet service provider, referring/exit pages, and date/time stamps.
- “Web beacons,” “tags,” and “pixels” are electronic files used to record information about how you browse the Site. Additionally when you make a purchase or attempt to make a purchase through the Site, we collect certain information from you, including your name, billing address, shipping address, payment information, email address, and phone number. We refer to this information as “Order Information.”

2. How we use your personal information 
We use the Order Information that we collect generally to fulfill any orders placed through the Site (including processing your payment information, arranging for shipping, and providing you with invoices and/or order confirmations). Additionally, we use this Order Information to:
Communicate with you;Screen our orders for potential risk or fraud; and
When in line with the preferences you have shared with us, provide you with information or advertising relating to our products or services.
We use the Device Information that we collect to help us screen for potential risk and fraud (in particular, your IP address), and more generally to improve and optimize our Site (for example, by generating analytics about how our customers browse and interact with the Site, and to assess the success of our marketing and advertising campaigns).

We share your Personal Information with third parties to help us use your Personal Information, as described above. For example, we use Shopify to power our online store - you can read more about how Shopify uses your Personal Information here: We also use Google Analytics to help us understand how our customers use the Site - you can read more about how Google uses your Personal Information here: You can also opt-out of Google Analytics here:

Finally, we may also share your Personal Information to comply with applicable laws and regulations, to respond to a subpoena, search warrant or other lawful request for information we receive, or to otherwise protect our rights.

3. Behavioral advertising 
As described above, we use your Personal Information to provide you with targeted advertisements or marketing communications we believe may be of interest to you. For more information about how targeted advertising works, you can visit the Network Advertising Initiative’s (“NAI”) educational page at

You can opt out of targeted advertising by:

4. Your rigths
If you are a European resident, you have the right to access personal information we hold about you and to ask that your personal information be corrected, updated, or deleted. If you would like to exercise this right, please contact us through the contact information below. Additionally, if you are a European resident we note that we are processing your information in order to fulfill contracts we might have with you (for example if you make an order through the Site), or otherwise to pursue our legitimate business interests listed above. Additionally, please note that your information will be transferred outside of Europe, including to Canada and the United States.

5. Data retention 
When you place an order through the Site, we will maintain your Order Information for our records unless and until you ask us to delete this information.

6. Changes 
We may update this privacy policy from time to time in order to reflect, for example, changes to our practices or for other operational, legal or regulatory reasons.

7. Contact us

For more information about our privacy practices, if you have questions, or if you would like to make a complaint, please contact us by e-mail at